The Prisoner
2 min readMar 31, 2021
- What is the state of the specimen?
- Inert. After the new substances we are injecting on him, we were able to contain any remnants of his abilities.
- Excellent. This is already some progress, considering that we have already tried to destroy it in every possible way. Apparently, the old books were right about his immortality.
- Maybe so … but there is still a lot to be studied and many experiments to be made. For example, we have already carried out several acts of violence and tortured him in every possible way but he always regenerates. Furthermore, the specimen still seems to be capable of carrying out many actions at a distance.
- Truth. But what matters is that an increasing portion of humanity thinks that he is dead and some already think that he no longer exists.
- Yes, yes! This demonstrates the progress that we’ve made so far. We’ll keep him in jail as long as necessary.
- If we are not able to kill him, at least we will cause all mankind to lose faith in him.
- Very well sir. Today’s report is ready and I’m going to dismiss my team for today. Do you have any more orders?
- No. You are dismissed. I will spend some more time watching him.
- Right. Excuse me, sir.
- You worthless scum. Why won’t you die? Why do you insist in making humanity suffer? Why do billions of humans worship you instead of me? Even with all the cruelties you put them through, these fools still idolize you and seek you in the darkest hours! I am already conformed that I am not capable of destroying you. But I am sure that I am able to make them forget about you. Every day, more and more humans stop believing in you. Every day, more and more humans come to hate you. Every day, more and more humans forget about you. There will come a day when no human will have faith in you anymore. Then the day will come when no human will remember you anymore. And from that day on, you will be forever forgotten in this prison for all eternity, where no one will find you. And then, I will have triumphed over you. I will take your place and become the new God of humanity! I will end their suffering by exterminating everyone on that miserable planet and thus destroying the imperfect world you created. I shall create the perfect world! The perfect world that you have never been able to create.