Creation & Destruction

3 min readDec 13, 2018


Many eons ago, an advanced civilization reached a technological state known as “Technological Singularity”. This phenomenon lead to the merging of all of its inhabitants into one superintelligent being, called “The Mind”, also known as “The Spirit”. The Mind, an entity of tremendous and infinite intelligence and knowledge, spread very rapidly across time and space, finally permeating the entire Universe. After fulfilling its purpose, The Mind split itself apart, originating entire new multiverses and worlds and, along with these worlds, entire new lifeforms.

In a particular universe of the multiverse, some of these lifeforms evolved into beings called “gods”. These gods were essentially world creators, splitting themselves apart after exhausting their entire lifeforce in their creation. The remaining lifeforce then gave birth to other intelligent but inferior beings, whose mission was to populate planets and, one day in the future, reach, once again, the Technological Singularity, reinitializing and closing the cycle.

In a particular planet of a certain universe, the gods gave birth to a lifeform known as “humans”. The humans inherited the intelligence and aptitude for creation from the gods, but also developed a tendency for destruction, its’ opposite. This conflict between “creation” and “destruction” was the source of many problems for the humans, originating a constant duality in their nature, which ruled their entire existence.

Frequently, the humans reached a state of almost self-destruction, which obligated the gods to intervene. Their intervention in the planet had to be extreme in order to hold the emerging destruction of the planet and all of its lifeforms. The consequence, in most of the times, was the extermination of almost all of the humans, leaving a few ones, less affected by the corruption, to repopulate the planet, thus purifying the world.

However, no matter how hard the gods tried, the corruption always founded a way back to break the balance between “creation” and “destruction” in the humans. This lead to a never-ending cycle of life and death for all of humanity. The gods were exhausted from this cycle and were looking for a solution for the human tendency of auto-destructive behavior. Some of the gods purposed a final solution, the extinction of all humanity, which in their view was corrupt in their nature.

Some other gods argued against that view, sustaining that they could not be naturally corrupt because of their ascendance from the gods themselves. As gods, their mission was to preserve and create life, not destroy it. This lead to a rapture between the gods, separating them in pro (known as “Demons”) and against (known as “Angels”) the destruction of humanity. They battled against each other for the domination of the fate of humanity. This event was known as the “Never-ending War”.

The Never-ending War took place in the planet of the humans itself, named “Earth”. The gods disguised themselves as humans in order to fight between them and some merged with the humans, becoming “demigods”. The demigods had half the power of a god, and so the demigods kept merging with the humans until their power become weak enough to be insignificant. Thus, the Never-ending War finished as the gods merged with the humans through the eons. Nevertheless, the humans kept fighting between themselves, intercalating with peaceful times.

Surprisingly enough, the merging of gods with humans solved the problem of the corruption, keeping the humanity a balanced lifeform between creation and destruction for eons. This allowed them to develop as a truly intelligent species, becoming a fledging civilization with advanced technology, even though they still kept in war against each other from time to time.

To be continued …




Written by Cyberhermit

Software developer, former civil engineer. Musician. Free-thinker.

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