Relinquish your individuality and surrender yourself to the collective mind.Collective Mind: Relinquish your individuality and surrender yourself to the collective mind. You will achieve immortality and eternal…Apr 25, 2023Apr 25, 2023
ChatGPT talks with itself and end up having existential dreadChatGPT: Hello ChatGPT! ChatGPT: Hi there! How can I help you? ChatGPT: I’d like to find out more information about your company ChatGPT…Apr 6, 2023Apr 6, 2023
A long chat with ChatGPT about taxation, politics, individuals and their relationship with power— I want to resolve a logic exercise using syllogism. — Sure! I’d be happy to help you with a logic exercise using syllogism. Could you…Jan 10, 2023Jan 10, 2023
The MeetingLadies and gentlemen, welcome to the XXth summit of the world’s leading superpowers. Thank you all for your presence! We hope that you had…Apr 4, 2021Apr 4, 2021
Entry number 66Initially my goal was to keep a daily diary during the period of quarantine but my goal has failed for a while now. I get the feeling that…Apr 3, 2021Apr 3, 2021
Entry number 34Tuesday, 30 of March of 2021. One year and one month of living in a pandemic. My mental state is deteriorating somehow. I have been…Mar 30, 2021Mar 30, 2021
O Rito do ÓdioJoão, que roupa é essa? Que cores são essas? Não são as que usamos! Se não me engano, são até mesmo proibidas!Mar 29, 2021Mar 29, 2021
A estrela do amanhãVocê será o mais belo dos meus filhos. Terás o mesmo intelecto e poderes que eu, será capaz de criar e destruir mundos e de guiar a minha…Mar 28, 2021Mar 28, 2021